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      Trinasolar Commits to Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment by Adopting UN Women’s Empowerment Principles

      Trinasolar has signed the United Nations Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs), reaffirming its commitment to advancing global gender equality and empowering women.

      The principles are designed to guide companies in empowering women in the workplace, marketplace, and the general community. They result from collaboration between UN Women and the UN Global Compact. As a global signatory of the WEPs, Trinasolar integrates the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into its corporate strategy and operations. The company identifies SDGs within its business and value chain and takes actions to accelerate their achievement.

      To continually improve its internal policies and practices, Trinasolar strictly complies with laws and regulations in the jurisdictions in which it operates and aligns its policies with international human rights conventions and labor standards, such as the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

      Building Policies and Cultures of Equity and Diversity

      Trinasolar is committed to establishing a governance structure that values diversity in all forms, including gender, age, cultural background, education, and professional experience. Women hold one-third of the seats on the company’s board of directors. Trinasolar promotes gender equality and women’s empowerment through initiatives such as hosting women’s leadership-sharing events. These events feature female leaders from various teams who share their professional and personal experiences, encouraging women to take on leadership roles in the photovoltaic industry.

      Supporting Women’s Health and Work-life Balance

      Trinasolar organizes annual health checkups tailored to female employees. The company has set up Carnation Service Stations to provide more amenable work arrangements for pregnant employees. Customized gift packages are offered to women who marry or give birth. In addition, both male and female employees are entitled to parental leave benefits, enabling them to better care for newborns and their families.

      Valuing Women’s Skills and Celebrating Their Contributions

      In its recruitment, promotion, and training, Trinasolar emphasizes gender equality and equal pay for equal work. The company has developed a comprehensive talent development system that provides employees with broad opportunities for internal career advancement. Special attention is given to the professional development of female employees, with their average training hours almost tripling in recent years. Trinasolar advocates for every female employee to achieve both personal and societal values.

      The Chairman and CEO of Trinasolar, Gao Jifan, said: “We firmly believe that a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion is crucial to the long-term success and growth of any organization. At Trinasolar, this has been at the heart of our corporate culture from the very beginning. Joining hands with the WEPs platform, we are committed to creating an environment where all employees, especially women, have equal opportunities to thrive. By empowering women and fostering an inclusive workplace, we are not only supporting our people but also advancing our mission ‘Solar Energy for All’. Together, we will drive global progress in energy conservation, emissions reduction, and sustainable development, building a zero-carbon future for all.”